
この記事は約 7 分で読めます。 投稿から 13年。最終更新から 7年経過。
作成に約 112 分かかりました。

Slacklife Chile – A GIBBON Slackline Documentary

Thailand Salactite Space Line Sneak Peak Shot!~

Thailand Trip Sneak Peek 2… upside down summiting~

The Art of Slackline from somewhereelseland on Vimeo.

Hello everyone,

This was a slideshow I prepared for the Shaff Adventure Film Festival, but it turned out much better than I could have hoped, it documents (very minimally) the art of Slacklife.

Enjoy and please feel free to share :)


Mike Payton – Slacklining – Last Call With Carson Daly

ASO 12 – Austrian Slackline Open – Official Trailer from Vienna Slackliners on Vimeo.

Mit Freude geben wir bekannt, dass die Vienna Slackliners die 2. internationale osterreichische Slackline Meisterschaft veranstalten.
Von 26.5-28.5 ist Wien also wieder die Slacklinehauptstadt Europas.
Neben den Contests in den 3 Hauptdisziplinen Trickline, Highline, Longline werden wir auch eine Fulle von anderen kleinen Challenges fur die Sportler und Besucher vorbereiten.
Wir freuen uns auch dieses Jahr wieder auf die zahlreichen Slackline Begeisterten mit denen wir ein groses Fest feiern wollen.
hier die Homepage: www.austrian-slackline-open.com
und hier der link zu Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AustrianSlacklineOpen
Wir sehen uns an Pfingsten!

with pleasure we have to announce that the Vienna Slackliners will organize the 2nd international austrian slackline championship.
So from 26.5-28.5 Vienna will be europes capital slackline city.
Beside die main contests in Trickline, Highline and Longline we will also arrange a lot of nice challenges for the sportsmen as well as for the visitors.
We are looking forward to meet a lot of new Slackliners and to celebrate a big slack party together!
here the link to our homepage: www.austrian-slackline-open.com
and here a link to our facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/AustrianSlacklineOpen
See you on pentecost

Location: Vienna, Austria
Date: 26.5.-28.05.2012

Sponsored by:
Elephant Slacklines
Freakwave Festival
Ticket to the Moon
Bergsport Schwanda

Music by: Supersci – Get!
Video by: Sam&Simon

Slackline – Lienz (Austria) from mhz.tv on Vimeo.

client: Red Bulletin
produced by: mhz.tv

Kost Castle Highline Festival from Sebastian Lukaszuk on Vimeo.


A mini documentary about Highline/slackline meeting at Kost Castle.

*This video took 1st place at Freestyle Movie Festival at Pozna?/Poland – yuhhuuu : ]

VIVENDO COM EQUILIBRIO – Slackline Rio de Janerio . Brasil from Eduardo Renatino on Vimeo.

Life style do esporte que mais cresce em todo o Brasil, principalmente na cidade maravilhosa. O filme mostra o quanto complexo e simples e esse esporte, em 4 das varias vertentes que o Slackline possui (Freestyle, Longline, Highline e Campeonato) alem de mostrar a integracao do esporte com a natureza.

Nota do produtor: Agradeco a todas as pessoas que desprenderao esforcos para realizar esse projeto totalmente independente, agradeco principalmente todos os atletas que participarao que sao tantos nomes que preferimos nao cita-los para nao esquecer de ninguem.

Slackin’ In The Rain from Christer Pettersen on Vimeo.

Filmed in Bois de la Cambre (Brussels, Belgium) the 4th of March 2012.

1° Festival de Slackline de Ilhabela (HD)

ISPO 2012- From Paris(slack) to Munich

Elephant Travel Season: Sardinia 2011 – Part 4 [HD]

Mardi Gras Slackline Aktion from Johannes Olszewski on Vimeo.

A video about two passions, slacklining and freeriding at the best spott of the world, the alps!
with a special suprise….