キングオブスラックライン2011-優勝はJaan Roose
King of Slackline 2011 – Final Round – Jaan Roose
27日締め切りだったキングオブスラックライン2011のファイナルラウンドの勝者が決まりました。エストニアのJaan Rooseです。このファイナルラウンドの動画はすごいの一言。13までパーフェクトを達成してます。後半の緊張感やプレッシャーは想像しただけでもどうにかなってしまいそうです。
- Jaan Roose (Estonia)
- Carlos Neto (Brazil)
- Hiroyuki Kusakari (Japan)
We have a King of Slackline 2011!
In the first round there were 153 participants, in the second even 155, but just Jaan Roose and Carlos Neto could make it to the “Final Round”. Until the end it was an exciting head to head run, but one could make one round more:JAAN ROOSE!
Congratulation and welcome to the International Pro-Team of GIBBON!Carlos Neto (2nd placed) and Hiroyuki Kusakari (3rd placed) achieved an excellent effort! You are amazing!
Rankinglist of King of Slackline 2011:
Jaan Roose (Estonia)
Carlos Neto (Brazil)
Hiroyuki Kusakari (Japan)Also a big thank to all other participants! We were happy to see still a progress to the last years and hope to see the most of you next year again!
クィーンオブスラックライン2011の優勝はMelissa Bowe
1.Melissa Bowe
2.Caroline Rangel
4.Justyna Wallis
5.Danielle Nascimiento
初代クィーンMelissa Boweはプロチームライダーですね。
After 11 rounds the ?Runners-Up Finals“ has finished and GIBBON is looking forward to 4 new National TeamRiders:
1. Caroline Rangel
2. Chami
3. Justyna Wallis
4. Danielle NascimientoCongratulations and welcome to the GIBBON Family!
This 4, together with Melissa Bowe ? who joins as of now the GIBBON International ProTeam ? established themselves to over 80 participants!
Rankinglist of Queen of Slackline 2011:1.Melissa Bowe
2.Caroline Rangel
4.Justyna Wallis
5.Danielle Nascimiento